
Charles Amundsen, M.A.Ed. Leadership Coach


Charles (he, him) is a PowerTools Leadership Development consultant, currently collaborating with CUNY K-16 Initiatives to provide leadership coaching to school leaders.Charles brings to his work a deep, abiding commitment to supporting school leaders as transformational agents for change and continuous school improvement.  The cornerstones of this work are focused on strengthening the social emotional well-being and academic success of students as well as enhancing the ongoing professional learning of staff.

Charles has served the New York City Department of Education in a variety of positions including teacher of mathematics, Assistant-Principal Supervision (Mathematics), Principal (High School of Telecommunications and Technology), Deputy Superintendent (Brooklyn and Staten Island High Schools), Regional Superintendent (Region 4), Deputy CEO for the Integrated Curriculum and Instruction Learning Support Organization and as the leader of Cluster 2, where his supervisory responsibilities spanned the K-12 continuum. Charles has extensive leadership coaching experience supporting Principals, Assistant-Principals as well as department leads and grade team.